Friday, 14 September 2007

Leisure Industry Week
Sports Development Week

An event you may be interested in is taking place at the NEC Birmingham 25-27 September 2007. This is Sports Development Week, which is co-located with Leisure Industry Week.

You will be able to discover the latest ideas from the leisure and sports industry, including fitness, health and spa operations. For fitness, health and spa information just click on Leisure Industry Week above and then select the link on that page.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Briefing papers on Physical Activity

NHS Scotland has developed a series of physical activity briefing papers which can be downloaded. These include: Physical Activity in the Workplace and Strategic Planning for Physical Activity.
To view these and to see what other papers are available, visit the Physical Activity and Health Alliance website. Click on the Resources link and enter 'briefing papers' as a keyword search.

Monday, 10 September 2007

Fitness for Anti-Aging Seminar

Professor Wayne Derman (associate professor of sports science and sports medicine at UCT Sport Science Institute of South Africa) will present two one-day seminars on exercise for anti-aging in London and Glasgow on October 8 and 9 2007.

This is part of an educational programme initiated by the International Institute for Anti-Aging (IIAA). For more details, click on the 'events' link on the IIAA website

Friday, 7 September 2007

National Spa Week

Did you know that September 23-30 is National Spa Week?
The Spa Business Association has created this event to highlight the health benefits of visiting a spa or spa town. For details click on either link above.