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Make-up Website If you are looking for make-up information, particularly about working as a make-up artist you might want to have a look at This website is a division of Make-up Artist
Magazine, which is a professional (US) make-up industry publication that we subscribe to at the College, so don't forget to have a look at this while you are in the Library; there is a copy at Richmond House and Summer Row. features tips from industry make-up artists and new make-up and skincare products, plus breakdowns of make up used on film artists for particular films.
It's Thanksgiving Day !
Today is
Thanksgiving Day in the United States, so 'Happy Holiday' to any American bloggers out there and any student from the College who originates from the US. Any non-Americans' might want to click on the link above to find out what all the fuss is about.
In way of a small celebration, why not have a look at some of the books we have in stock by the American publishers, Milady?
How about Spa and Salon Alchemy: the definitive resource for the spa and salon industry (on the shelf at 646.72068) or Spa Manicuring for the Salon and Spa (on the shelf at 646.727 MCC) or Hair Structure and Chemistry Simplified (on the shelf at 646.724 HAL) Or for any Sports Therapy student, don't forget that we subscribe to The American Journal of Sports Medicine. There's a print copy in both Richmond House and Summer Row Library and you can also access this journal online via Athens by selecting the Sage Journals Online database.
Spa Business journalWe have just added a new spa journal to our stock- Spa Business. You can read the print copy at Richmond House and Summer Row Library but can also access the current edition online.The online digital version of the current edition (the one we’ve just received) is available from the Spa Business website at You just need to click on the ‘read it for free’ on the digital editions info on the top right side of the homepage and when you’ve accessed the digital edition you click on the arrow on the top left of the page to turn the pages of the journal. To make the print larger click on the page. You can also access the Spa Opportunities digital version from the Spa Business homepage.
Holistic Healthcare ConferenceThe 2009 Holistic Healthcare Conference will take place on Saturday 14th March 2009, 9.30am-4pm at Durham University. The conference is aimed at healthcare professionals, complementary health practitioners, and counsellors. Details of how to book, plus the schedule for the day, can be found at the FHT website By clicking on this link you can also see other events that are currently scheduled.
Spatex 2009Here's a date to add to your diary for next year. Spatex 2009 will be taking place between Sunday 1-Tuesday 3 February 2009 at the Hilton Brighton Metropole Exhibition Centre. Spatex is an exhibition for professionals in the pool, spa and sauna industry. More details can be found on the exhibition website
Thinking of Teaching Sports Therapy?If you are thinking of teaching sports therapy after you have graduated, make sure that you read the article 'The Trials and Tribulations of Teaching Sports Therapy' in the October 2008 issue of SportEx Medicine (available in both Richmond House and Summer Row Library).The article is written by Amy Bell, BSC, who graduated from Salford University in 2006 with a degree in sports rehabilitation. You can find the article on pages 24-26 of the October 2008 issue.
Sports Therapy ResearchJust a reminder that if you are looking for the latest research, for use in an assignment or for a dissertation, SportEx Dynamics and SportExMedicine include 'Journal Watch' pages detailing papers included in journals such as Clinics in Sport Medicine and American Journal of Sports Medicine, with an added 'SportEx Comment'. You can find copies of SportEx Dynamics and SportEx Medicine in Summer Row and Richmond House Library.
More Copies of Operations Management We now have more copies of a book on the Physical Resources for Salons reading list. So if you need Operations Management, Slack, Nigel, you will find copies at Richmond House Library. There is also an additional book that accompanies the Slack book; this is Quantitative Analysis in Operations Management by Brandon-Jones, Alastair, so don't forget to pick up a copy.
Therapeutic Exercise for Musculoskeletal Injuries There is good news for anyone needing a copy of Therapeutic Exercise for Musculoskeletal Injuries, Houglum, as we now have additional copies available at Richmond House Library and more on order for Summer Row.
New Books for 'Creative Showcase' We now have copies of The Makeup Artist Handbook: techniques for film, television, photography and theatre, in stock at Richmond House Library and this book is on the reading list for Creative Showcase You can also access this book online, plus Make-up, Hair and Costume for Television and British Fashion Design: rag trade or image industry? as they are all available in e-book format. You will find these e-book titles through the Athens link and the Dawson Books database. If anyone is not sure what e-books are or want more information please call and see me at Richmond House Library.
Sports Injuries Article
Included in the November/December issue of Massage and Bodywork is an article by Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa on sports injuries- Sports Injuries: breakthrough methods in treatment. You can read this article (pp42-51) in the print copy of Massage and Bodywork in both Richmond House and Summer Row Library or view the online digital version at the Massage and Bodywork website
The British Hairdressing Awards
Taking place at the Grovenor House Hotel, on Monday 24th November, the British Hairdressing Awards will be celebrating the skills of British Hairdressers in six specialist categories and name one lucky person the British Hairdresser of the Year 2008. You can find details of last year's event and the nominees and finalists for 2008 at the British Hairdressing Awards site.
The Style Show
The Style Show have teamed up with UK online fashion portal,, to create one of the largest fashion and beauty events. The event will feature celebrity experts, designers, boutique brands, high street retailers, and designer labels. Located next to the Designer Catwalk, the 'Stop and Chop' area will give lucky visitors the chance to be chosen by one of the celebrity hairdressers to have a surprise haircut live at the show. Or, you might like to visit The Cocktail Bar to recover from a long day's shopping. The event is co-ordinated with the Clothes Show Live event and takes place at the NEC Birmingham 5-10 December. Click on the links for details of either event.
Plastic Bags in the LibraryPlease note that in line with some supermarkets, and in an effort to be more 'Eco-Friendly', from Monday 1oth November we will no longer be giving out free plastic bags in the Library. Plastic bags will be available for purchase at SUMMER ROW LIBRARY ONLY and will cost 5p. So, if you are thinking of taking books out to help with your assignments remember to bring a bag with you!
Play the Game 2009Play the Game, the world communication conference on sport, is going to be held in the UK, in Coventry, for the first time next year. It will take place 15-19 June.Media professionals, academic researchers and sports practitioners will be meeting to discuss issues facing world sport such as encouraging participation, anti-doping and good governance. For more information visit the CIBS (The Centre for International Business of Sport) website